But the one in West Orange is a whoolllleee different story…Fuzzy and I experienced the effect of this fridays before on a random Friday nite, but this was Scooter’s first time….well 5 LIT’s later we were n there actin a damn fool..jus laughin and enjoyin each other’s company….and of course checkin out all the eye candy that was there (pssssstttttt come here..u aint hear this from me but that Fridays is a filled wit DL dudes wit their dates…a lot of topics for conversation..but u aint hear it from me..if anybody asks Fuzzy told u)

After stumbling outta Fridays we ventured over to another friends house cuz she was having a small gathering and I said I would try to stop thru..well after closing out Fridays we ended up over there at about 1:30ish. Got there and the music was goin but there was no liquor flowing…don’t u jus luv when folks host something but have nothing to offer (mental note…save that topic for a later post lol)…I know it was BYOB but damn u couldn’t have a cheap bottle of vodka or something…seriously?!?!?! I mean we 3 walked n the door and it was like “Heyyyyyy please tell me u brought a bottle” Well hello to u too damn lol. Between the 3 of us we had 2 bottles but only brought in one cuz my tipsy ass forgot my bottle n the car and wasn’t tryin to walk down all them steps, fumble around wit Scooter’s keys, search for the bottle, close the door, lock the car, and all that other foolishness..no u can have a coke..next

Well needless to say I didn’t last long at the house…I had been up and goin non-stop since 6:15 that morning and it was about 3:00 when I passed out on that couch…I was told I missed some good convo but oh well…I was good and tipsy and tired…baby nite nite

Woke up and went home..and that was the end of a good Friday for me lol……
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