1. the act of giving thanks; grateful acknowledgment of benefits or favors, esp. to God.
2. an expression of thanks, esp. to God.
3. a public celebration in acknowledgment of divine favor or kindness.
4. a day set apart for giving thanks to God.
Well with the definition of the word posted lemme take a min and state some of the things that im truly thankful for…I thank God for:
1. Health/Strength
2. Family (mainly my mother) for setting a wonderful example for me growing up. Even tho we’ve had our hard times (extremely hard..ill post on those later) we’ve managed to save our relationship and now she’s like my best friend and I can talk to her about absolutely anything.
3. Friends who are like my family. Anyone who knows me knows that I keep my friend circle small and I don’t use the term “friend” loosely. My friends have been there for me n good times and bad. Although we piss each other off at times we always come back and remember our friendship.
4. A Job..even tho I hate it at times and dread getting up and goin to work, I know I’m making a difference in some child’s life….and hell it pays the bills lol
5. My HOUSE…Lord knows wut I went thru to get in this place..and my friends can tell u that it wasn’t easy..and hell its still not east now..but I know God didn’t bring me this far to leave me.
6. My sense of self…used to have a low self-esteem issue (and at times it still resurfaces) but I am more confident in myself. I’ve learned that if I set my mind to it 9 times outta 10 I will achieve it.
7. Food…not just for eating..but to allow my creative nature to come to fruition….not sayin that im some culinary master but I gets it in n the kitchen…and cooking allows me to provide my friends/family with a loving meal.
8. Liquor..i know ya’ll r like “Really Twin??? Liquor?!?!” yeah im thankful for alcohol….oh well..moving on lol
9. Im thankful for finishing grad school..and the opportunity to start a business (more info coming soon)
10. Im thankful that I know all of my problems whether they be financial, emotional, economical or wuteva…will be taken care of.
This is just a mini list of the many blessings that I’m thankful for….anything ya’ll wanna mention??
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