Sometimes I wonder if people could really take it if I truly went the hell off...I mean I usually say wuts on my mind, to a certain extent anyway, but I usually tone things down a bit. I'm the type that tries to say wut I mean and mean wut I say but at the same time I don't wanna come across too harsh, abrassive, or down right evil..cuz trust me I can be that way a times. So I try to dillute my actual thoughts to come across as civil but at the same time make a point.
In doing all of this dilluting and watering down, sometimes I feel like the tru meaning of my message may get lost and the acutal "fury" that I wanna get across jus doesn't. And where does that leave me????? most likely back at square one. Guess I'm trying to spare people's feelings.
Cuz I feel if I truly jus exploded like I want to, and trust me I've been fightin the urge to do it, I might loose some friends, my job, family members, and probably some other things. But friends are supposed to be there and accept wut u have to say regardless right??? But I don't think that would be the case...cuz like I said, if I truly went the hell off and told people about themselves, or what I actually thought about the way they handled their affairs, or how they've wronged me, or bout their empty or broken promises, or about being let down, or about their bitchassness (thought I would never use that word lol), or their lies, or whatever else it may be, I think I would come across as that EVIL, MALICIOUS, BLACK-HEARTED SCORPIO....but ummm maybe that's wut I need to do (jus a thought).
Maybe its the luv I have for these people that keeps me from goin off and havin a Madea moment

...hmmm jus a thought..wut do yall think???