Wassup blogworld...this may be a lil long but this is a post that took some time to write lol...if u can make it to the end....congrats and comments are apprecated...well these past few weeks have been quite eventful..been feelin all types of ways different days...here's an update
Well work has been a pain n the ass as usual lol. How bout I was standin n front of the building at the end of the day wit my jacket and fitted on and the principal comes slinkin out her office (lemme make a point here...school was over) on her way out the door. I see shes lookin me up and down wit the look of utter disgust on..so me being my nice and kind self (Shut up!!!) I speak and say "Have a nice day and enjoy ur day off" Yall know wut this troll said??? "Mmmhmm u too" Then she asks the security guard that was sittin next to us to walk her to the door...after he does that he comes back and tells me that she was goin on about how unprofessional it was for me to have on a hat..and how I look like a student..and rah rah rah. Now normally I woulda jus ignored it but got to thinkin...this troll has the audacity to worry bout my hat when there are tons of other things for her to worry bout...like y I don't have a classroom...or y don't I have enough materials...or y do kids skip class and nothin happens to them.

So I jus thought and kept it to myself....that is until the next day of work when 3 other people came up to me sayin the principal was talkin bout me to them...come on now is this preschool...aren't we all grown...don't I do my job despite all the setbacks...that bitch can kick rocks in flip flops for all the hell I care.
Then to make matters worse...I find out that this teacher I share a room wit threw out all the textbooks the kids use...I only have about 25 books for all my middle school students...and the crazy thing is...this muthafucka admitted to throwin them out cuz the kids left them under the desks instead of puttin them back...WUT THE HELL?!?!?! So I report this shit to the vice principal and she says that this isn't the first time that teacher has done that...WUT THE HELL?!?!? Since when can u jus throw books out and not have any consequences???

Then they give us the scan sheets to do report cards last Friday and they wanted them completed on Monday…now that wouldn’t have been that much of a problem if I didn’t have over 100 student grades to calculate and bubble in. Come on now..have a damn heart…evil bastards lol.

Lately I've been feelin a lil aggrevated and frustrated wit the way my luv life (or should I say lack thereof) has been going...the following is something I wrote a few weeks back but never posted and only shared wit a few people:

How do u react when everyone around u is happy but u???? It seems like everyone else is on cloud 9...yet ur on the ground floor... U watch those around u experiencing the joy of havin someone wit them...a boyfriend or a boo...or jus a boy for the min???
I've been wonderin this for a while now...im not hatin on my people for havin someone n their lives they can share special moments with....someone who they can call and lean on when their havin a rough day or jus wanna vent...Im happy for them...it jus makes me wonder when will it be my time???
I've been single for some time now and im sooo tired of it....im startin to think somethin may be wrong wit me...I dunno.... On second thought...nah…no way lol...it jus seems like whenever im feelin someone they're not feelin me for wutever reason....and the thing is...I wanna know the reason so I can adjust wutever the "turn off" factor is...its like im constantly subjectiin myself to bein hurt....but maybe its partly my fault....grrrrrrr...but hopefully ill get over it....in time right??? uggghhh
Im not the most together guy there is...but im doin pretty good...im learnin more about myself and growin from it...I have a career, my own place, car, and strivin for more...im a loyal and dedicated and honest person...but I guess those things r turn offs for others...it makes me think...hmmmm
Im jus aggrevated right now...im tryin to stay positive but the shit gets harder every day...when will it be my time??? When will I stop fallin for the guys that don't wanna deal wit me on that level? When will I find the guy that's as crazy for me as I am for him? So many questions...but yet no answers...hmmmm....im jus frustrated, aggrevated, and tired of the bull....I need a drink and a cigarette...maybe thatll bring some clarity...if not at least ill feel better
Returnin back to the present.....Well now that I've got that out...I feel a lil better...well other than bein horny as hell...haven't had sex in a while and its startin to take its toll lol...

guess im glowin like a nite light lol
I've been called the most conservative out the group lol so I don't do random hookups or anythin like that....if I kiss someone or do anything further wit a dude I've known him for awhile....but thas not even happenin right now...ugghh...wuts a guy to do...im jus waitin for the right guy...even though I got someone on my mind lol....it gets a lil depressin at times but ill manage....I have hope that things will work out fine…maybe this is a time when I should focus on other things like work and other rah rah (but I think ive done that enough lol)
Well this week is almost over and im plottin for the weekend kinda...im thinkin bout havin the crew over for some movies, drinks, and some eats...but I guess time will tell lol. Of course imma have to finish school work before I can relax. Wut yall got planned for the weekend??? Anything interesting?