Here's one of the pics that shawn took of me a while ago...wut yall think???

Well I had a really good time at my bday party on sat...I cooked for the I know..who cooks for their own party...I DO!!!! It was my way of saying thanx to those who have been there for thru my ups and downs and helpin me deal wit me friends...I luv yall...shouts to X, Shawn, Fuzzy, Keelee, Tookie, Shawne, Special, My Twin, Washington...if I left anyone out charge it to my head and not my heart.

Well I made some pasta wit ground turkey and turkey sausage...chicken n a brandy bbq sauce, stir fried veggies, potato salad..and some good ol drinks (more on that n a bit lol) Well I guess it was good cuz all that was left was a corner of potato salad and a lil pasta lol. I got complements on the food so I was happy.

I also whipped up some good ol Get Rite Juice, a batch of Promiscuous (that I didn't even get any of), and the newly released that scorpion was smooth but had a sting on then end of it...jus how I wanted it to be. Yall shoulda see me mixin that drink on fri myself tipsy as hell getting the mix jus right. Well I guess the drinks were good cuz clearly they were all gone. Ended up havin to concoct another gallon of some new punch that was named Scorpion Remixed...or Scorpion pt 2...or somethin like that lol...There was also beer and other alcohol floatin around...we had a good ol time lol.

My boy got me a cake and I was fightin to keep the smile off my face. In the past hardly anybody did anything for me on my bday..maybe a drink or a cupcake or havin a cake touched me...even though my boy decided to touch me wit the cake when I wasn't lookin...had frostin all n my face and n my nose lol...Thanx Jughead.
Did I mention I was feelin myself last night...I thought I looked quite sexy...which is new for me lol. Had on a new outfit, was smellin all good and stuffis, and I was feelin quite right. However, my frisky-o-meter has been reaching critical and them drinks weren't helping any...but nonetheless I was feelin good about myself especially wit folks sayin I looked smaller and tryin to force me to eat more...clearly a good self esteem boost lol.

It was good to have everyone out helpin me celebrate my bday a lil early. Some faces were new, some were old, some I had known for a short time, and some I don't even know/remember lol. Im tellin u get rite will get u rite lol. As soon as I get the pics from my camera (which is being held hostage lol) ill post some. Went out to eat last night..well I was kidnapped and hoodwinked into goin somehwere...clearly wit a hangover...but i still had a good time...thanx guys.
Im at work now...feelin some type of way right bout now...but thats a topic for another post lol....The bday is on tuesday and im thinkin bout havin a few people over sometime this week for some drinks and to chill...but who knows wut the week will bring. Yall know imma have another paper to do...oh yeah jus finished another class yesterday and the new one starts today...damn can I get a break...don't u see me tryin to enjoy my bday week and not have a liver...don't interrupt...rude
I've said n a past post im tryin to be upfront and honest and sayin wut I mean..and meanin wut I say...soooo before I end this post jus wanted to once again say thanx to my friends...cherish those who have been there for u....ur all special to me and I hope yall know it. I've told some of u b4 how I felt about u and how I value our connections/bonds...jus wanted to say it again...or for the first time if I haven't told now I end this post...getting another year older and another year better