The baby shower that stole my life…yeah I know yall r thinking..wut n the hell right????? Well lemme tell u how it all happened…I went to a baby shower last sunday for a friend of a friend…and boy was it an adventure…well it was supposed to start at 2:30 so I get there at 2:45 expecting things to have started already…yeah no..there was nobody there but my friend and a few of the momma to be’s family members..yeah so I was told that her brother’s were gay but nobody told me/warned me bout the brothers...
::rubs temples and takes a deep breath:: Ok so I walk in and see these two girls sashayin around wit balloons and ribbons and wut not tryin to set up…yeah upon closer inspection I found out that those were her brothers…wtf…I mean hair down to their shoulders..size zero..skinty jeans…piercings…fitted jackets…mini shirts…y didn’t anybody tell me that these were lipgloss wearin, gum poppin, head twilrin, eye rollin, kit kat purr., duck walkin, “Ohhhh thas my shit girl im bout to cut loose,” shwamin girls…to each his own but I sooo wasn’t expectin to see that at the baby shower

::shakes head and sighs::
Like I said I got there around 2:45 and nobody was there…so after helping them finish the last min decorations and laughin at the “girls” my friend and I sit at the bar for our first drink of the afternoon….mind u we hadn’t eaten cuz we were waiting for everyone else to show up…yeah my first drink was a Godfather (Johnny Walker blk and red and amaretto) Who n the hell told me to get that for my first drink..which was shortly followed by a Tokyo Tea…yeah I started feelin my liquor real early..can we say drinkin on an empty stomach

Folks started to show around 3:45 and by then my friend and I were nice as hell. She was laughin at everything and jus buggin the hell out…and I was right along wit her lol. Well the baby shower was fine…until around the 4th drink cuz the bartender was tryin to kill us lol.

By then I was seeing double and my friend was walkin into stuff and was slurring on the mic lol.
I left the shower around 6:30 and got in my car…had to sober up right quick to drive around the corner back home. Sat in the car and went to check my driver side mirror to check traffic and noticed that the mirror wasn’t there..WUT N THE HELL!!!! But all I could do was laugh bout it…thanx to the liquor…I called my friend and sang the “Where did my mirror go” song and we were crackin up the whole time it took for me to get home (5mins lol).
Soooo I got n the house at like 6:45…took my shoes off…sat on the couch…and the next thing I knew I was opening my eyes…and I was in my bed…I’m thinking when the hell did I get in the bed…so I look at the clock and it says 7:10…so I say to myself, “Cool it’s still Sunday and it’s only 7:10..guess I must’ve decided to take a nap.” I go to turn on the tv and the damn man on tv says “Good Monday morning America!!!!” Wut the hell..the damn baby shower stole my Sunday…so after throwin a 5 min temper tantrum (im talking bout feet kickin…arms thrashin..rollin around the bed) I gets up, takes a shower, and stumble my way to work…talk bout a hangover lol…I didn’t get my life together till 4th period lol..soooo im filing a police report cuz the babyshower stole my Sunday.