Wassup blogworld…I know its been a min..and ive been sayin I was gonna get back to my blog but yall know how things can get at times lol….and I blame Twitter for part of it lol….Well im not gonna make this a long post…ya know I gotta save some things for later posts lol.
Well I jus wanna say that God is good in case yall didn’t know..as of July 30, 2009 I officially became a home owner!!!! It’s a 2 bedroom 2.5 bathroom, finished basement, deck, fireplace and other rah rah rah lol. It was a bit touch and go there for a while and it looked like I wasn’t gonna get it but when it’s meant to be it will be. For those that remember my first search for a home didn’t go to well and I prayed on it then and trusted God to allow things to fall into place for when the time was right…and although there were times when I wanted to cry, scream, break things etc. it was made official when I signed the dotted line…Gotta say thanx to everyone who helped me make the move cuz lawdy knows I had a house worth of crap n that apt lol.
My job…ughhhh…yeah ill get to that in another post lol..but lets jus say they moved me to another building working with a different level of kids..yeah..wasn’t too thrilled bout that lol.
This past sat I had my pre birthday party and I honestly had a damn blast…thanx to everyone that came out Promiscious X, Fuzzy ShawnQT Kalisha, Elisha, my Twin, Cuban boy, Steven, Scooter, Torree, Willie, Greg , and a bunch of other folks…I think there was anywhere between 25-40 people there lol...if i forgot to shout u out charge it to my head and not my heart...And yall know I cooked my entire ass off for that party lol..made 2 pans of potato salad, 2 pans of mac and cheese, 3 pans of Brandy Honey BBQ strips, 2 pans of sautéed veggies, about 7 gallons of Get Rite Juice (and trust me it will get u rite lol) there were deviled eggs, and a bangin ass cake..i didn’t make those tho lol. Well I had a great time until the next morning when I realized that someone had made off wit my digital cam and my boy’s 2 cell phones…I mean really we come into someones house and take something..how trashy, tacky, and uncalled for..fuckin niggas I tell ya ::takes breath and sips wine:: ok im calm now..a lil..but like I said had a good time other than the theft and havin to clean up after the drunken boy who decided to mix Henny and vodka..once again..who does that?!?!? And then wonder y they cant remember shit the next day lol…I wish I could show yall the pics but….
Antyway…I jus wanted to give yall a quick update as to some of the things that have been goin on…so now I will pour myself another glass of wine and prepare for midnite which officially marks my bday..10/28 people…gotta luv a scorpio rite lol…Ill try to update this thang more frequently..but if u wanna know wut the hell im doin or goin thru follow me on twitter…Twin_vision…until the next time.